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David Sinclair

David Sinclair

Grocer and Wine & Spirit Merchant




Born 16/09/1815 Newbattle, son of John Sinclair and Elisabeth Yule [married 24/5/1801 Temple?]

1841 Census

Fox Lane, Leith, Spirit Dealer, age 25 (with Jane Sinclair 30 and Ann Black 55)


Married Isabella Black 03/11/1845 in Tranent, daughter of Wm Black, saddler, Tranent

1851 Census

8 Fox Lane, Leith, Grocer & Spirit Dealer, aged 35

1855 about

Took over a business established about 1816 in Ayton. [B. News 30/5/1916]

1861 Census

Road to Eyemouth, Ayton. [last house before road to Edinburgh] Grocer & Spirit Merchant, aged 45

1865 Valuation

Prop. of House & Shop, Ayton, occupied by himself

Prop. of House & Smithy occupied by James Watt

1871 Census

Main Street [first house after Old Town] Grocer, 55, employing 1 assistant(William)

1875 Valuation

Prop. of House & Shop Premises, occupied by himself

Prop. of House & Smithy occupied by John Edgar, Smith

1881 Census

No. 19 Old Town [nos 20 & 21 follow before N. side of New Town] aged 65, Grocer. (James is shopman and Elizabeth is shopwoman) [William had died 1872]


Pall Bearer at funeral of Rev. Daniel Cameron (39 years minister of Ayton) (B.N.)

Ordination of Mr Aiken: D.S. grocer officiated as croupier at the luncheon in the Red Lion, and at the soiree in the Volunteer Hall made a speech and presentation. (B.N.)

1885 Valuation

Prop. of Shop Premises occupied by himself.

Prop of House occupied by Joseph Cooper, Saddler

Prop. of House & Smithy occupied by Timothy Wightman, Blacksmith

Occupier of House, offices and garden belonging to John Yule, Station Agent

1891 Census

Laurel Bank, Ayton. Aged 75, widower, Grocer and Wine and Spirit Merchant, employer. James is assistant.

1901 Census

Laurel Bank, Ayton. Aged 85, widower, Grocer and Shopkeeper, employer.

James and Elizabeth are assistants. Daughter Isabella Tait is widowed,  Grandchildren Alice and Robert Tait.


Died 01/04/1901 at Laurel Bank, aged 85.


Grocers licence transferred to James Sinclair 23/04/1901


Inventory of personal estate dated 15/6/1901.

Total amount of £6327, including cash and bank accounts £3333, debtors £526, insurance policy £688 and stock in trade £1133 (sold to his son James)

Executors William Tulloch, wine & spirit merchant, Leith, James Black Sinclair and David Sinclair.


David was a church elder and a member of the Parochial Board in the 1850's to 1870's


David and Isabella Sinclair's Chidren


Isabella Sinclair (Black)

The Sinclair family photo taken at David's funeral.
Standing - George, Jessie, Robert
Seated - Peter, Isabella, David, Elizabeth, James
Children - Isabella's son Robert and daughter Alice

Photographs and information gratefully received from Peter Hall, a descendant of David and Isabella Sinclair

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